Friday, April 16, 2010

Ethics Vs. Morals

This is a true story about an incident that happened in Bangalore. A man and a woman were employed in company, which had an office near Lal Bagh. They were very keen on enjoying each other’s company. One day they decided to bunk work in the afternoon and go to Lal Bagh. On the way the lady had an idea. Why not buy sweets to eat while in Lal Bagh. So they go to a busy sweet shop and buy a box of sweets. The shop owner packs it in a box and they carry it with them to the park. After spending a pleasant hour or two whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ears, they decide to consume the sweets. On opening the package they discover it to be full of cash! They find a bundle of notes amounting to almost twenty-thousand rupees. The shop keeper had mistakenly wrapped his cash box instead of the sweet box!

The lady advocates the “Finders Keepers—Losers weepers” policy. But, better counsels prevail and at the insistence of the man, they go to the sweet shop and hand over the cash box. The owner is overjoyed and is all praise for their honesty. He rewards them for their effort and also says that he will call the press to report this extraordinary example of ethical behavior in this Kali Yug when dishonesty prevails! The couple refuse stoutly to be introduced by the press or to have their photo published. When the shopkeeper insists, the man whispers in his ear, “please don’t insist. Think of what will happen to us if my wife and her husband find out about this!”

Were these two people ethical or unethical?

They were ethical in public, but immoral in private.

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