Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Whether India becomes a superpower or not Indians should become Superpeople

I had the opportunity to listen to gentleman from china on the above point! His view was that India is still a developing country mainly because of our willingness to allow everyone the freedom of speech. He felt that China and Singapore had risen in global status mainly because their people had agreed to forego their freedom to object to laws in a limited way in the larger interests of economic growth and dominance. Without getting into the pros and cons of this argument, I quote from a long essay written by Shri. Ramachandra Guha for Outlook magazine, titled "Will India Become a Superpower?"

" The challenges of the naxalites, the insidious presence of the Hindutwadis; the degradationof the once liberal and upright cantre; the increasing gap between the rich and poor; the trivialization of the media; the unsustainability, in an environmental sense, of present patterns of resource consumption; the instability and policy incoherence caused by muti-party coalation governments--these are the seven reasons why India will never be a superpower. To this, so to say, objective judgment of the historian, I will now add the sujective desires of a citizen - which is that India should not even attempt to become a superpower."
He goes on to say that we should judge ourselves not against the achievements real or imagined, of other countries, but in the light of our own norms and ideals.
But one thing the chinaman said, I founfd valid. He argued that more than infrastructure, India needs a change in the attitude of the people. For example, when Singapore decided to have a clean envvironment and city, they decided to first educate people and make them understand that spitting in public and littering are socially unacceptable. Thereafter, they built worldclass infrastructure that these educated people use carefully and with pride. Most people who have visited Singapore praise its cleanliness oft forgetting that while they were in Singapore they balled up their litter and pocketed it till they found a trash can;but, the minute they land in India, they start littering freely again!
Whether India becomes a superpower or not, Indians must become Super People!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post sir. It reminded me of a speech by Dr Kalam years back. I was able to dig it out !

