Sunday, January 18, 2009

Seven Habits Evangelism at Rajasthan Youth Association!

I was invited by the Rajasthan Youth Association to give a talk on "My Personal Experiences in implementing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in my life". A good friend of mine Mr. Sanjay Kumaar having requested me, I agreed to give a brief talk on this subject which is so near my heart.
Most ofthe participants had not even heard of the Seven Habits! In fact, when I asked them to share any of the Habits that they knew,one of the participants ingenuously remarked that Be Punctual was one of the Habits!
Given the time constraint I gave them a broad overview of the Seven Habits, the Maturity Continuum and the interconnection of the several parts of the entire discipline. I made my usual comparison with the multi storey building for which the First Habit (Be Proactive) is the deep pile foundation.
They were eagre listeners and during the activity that I conducted following the lecture, they were quite participative.
I am sure a few of them would buy or borrow the book.

1 comment:

Vivek said...

Sir, I mailed you the soft copy of the Book.

