I am here at Coimbatore once again to conduct advanced supervisory skills development program for the same batch of managers I trained last time. This time I took them higher up the mountain and tried to make them see the connect between their efforts and the Vision and Mission of the company. Before I began the program, I asked them to tell me the contents of their company’s mission statement. While they had a vague idea about it, most of them did not really knowit. This was not because therewas no buy in but because they hadn’t bothered to connect this higher level goal to their day to day work. Once I made them discuss and come out with their understanding of Texmo’s mission, vision and strategy and their own contribution towards this, they connected.
I also helped them go through powerful teamwork based activities like Box Making, Forming a perfect square when blind folded and the Trust Walk.
The questionnaire on JOHARI windows went well and they plotted their own window. For some of them it came as a surprise.
Coimbatore is balmy and cool again with a chilly breeze blowing in through my window.
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