Friday, November 5, 2010

Rotary Pre-PETS at Vellore


A pleasant drive to Vellore and back in the morning. I am taking over as the President of the Rotary Club of Madras Southwest next July. Rotary requires Presidents-elect like me to attend a President Elects Training Seminar (PETS). This was a Pre-PETS or Arimugam for introducing the new Presidents-elects to each other.

I travelled with my Lodge brother Vinoth Kumar in his Ford Ikon. He is taking over as Presidehnt of the Rotary Club of Madras North East. The venue was a large air-conditioned hall called Kumaran Mahal in Sathuvachary, very much on the main highway. We could see, in the distance, the hills that surround Vellore.

On the whole an excellent Pre-PETS with great entertainment. Bro. Vinoth and I chatted a lot on the way. He shared a lot of information about his life and his brief sojourn in Australia.

The photograph shows us with the Dist. Governor-elect, his wife, our Asst. Governor REtn. Vaidy and the Presidents under him.

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