I was invited by the Madras School of Social Work to conduct sessions on Team Building at the Skill Lab for the MA in Social Work group. I did a couple of activities on Team Skills.
I made the point that a HR professional should be like an Invertor. When a person comes fully charged up we should reduce the charge by absorbing the surplus energy so that he cools down. Then he would be ready for rational debate on the issue.
When someone is emotionally drained or negative we should in turn pass on a bit of our energy so that he will be charged up again and ready for dedicating himself to his personal growth and the organizational good.
It was a satisfying day and the interaction of the students was very high as also the quality of their participation and eagerness for content absorption.
While going through the Machine Game, one set of participants demonstrated a Direction Finder. The coordination was superb although they had made the directions go around while the needle remained firm. Normally it’s the needle that moves to point to the True North.
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