Wednesday, July 7, 2010

WIN/WIN--Analyzing the Consequences


Sriram and I also had a discussion about the WIN/WIN thought process. Many proposals seem great at first flush. We see the obvious WIN for us in it. We try to convince ourselves and the other party that it is WIN for them too. And we claim it’s a WIN/WIN deal. Later when conflict breaks out it will be exactly in those areas that we refused or failed to address originally. Those issues that we brushedaway under the carpet will now rise up as insurmountable obstacles to completing the deal.

WIN/WIN is about analyzing the consequences and then the consequences of the consequences. After assuring ourselves of the long term sustainability of the WIN/WIN proposition we say “Deal!” If there is a possibility that the situation is likely to become LOSE/WIN or LOSE/LOSE it is better to say “WIN/WIN or No Deal!” politely shake hands with the other party and walk away!

Sharing knowledge is a great WIN/WIN! When you have one apple, I have one apple and we exchange both of us have only one apple each. But when you have one idea and I have one too, and we exchange, we have two ideas each.

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