Sunday, January 10, 2010

Role -Goal Analysis

Last week was spent handling training sessions for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India addressing budding CAs on issues like Professional Ethics and Changing Roles. I covered Goal Setting on the 7th. I was explaining Role-Goal Analysis and as part of the inputs, I shared my own Mission Statement, which I had crafted and Drafted as part of my Seven Habits Practice in 1999.

I was implementing the second habit, Begin With the End in Mind in 1998 and I had defined my mission for myself clearly identifying the End in Mind. This Mission Statement was subjected to an extreme review and re-evaluation in 2009. I am using 2010 to pause and reorient it, whereever necessary or expedient. This redefinition is more in the nature of adding a few roles and widening the scope of certain others.

At the ICAI programme one of the participants asked me how I had defined my role towards my Employees especially the Articled Clerks. Actually, there was nothing in my Mission statement on this!

I assured her that I will address this issue later and thanked her for the input. As I kept contemplating on this, I relaized that the Role Goal statement I had crafted for my childrenn was almost the same as the one I would have for my employees in all the organizations that I run. My attitude towards employees is that of a benevolent despot. An indulgent parent who is not unduly strict but expects discipline and performance that is above average! Who always recognizes performance with Reward and Recognition. So, the Role I would like to play towards my employees is the same as that I would like to (and I hope I am) play with my children. I wish them well, I enable their performance and will reward achievement every time.

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