Monday, April 16, 2007



Saw 300 at the Seasons in the Satyam complex. The movie is about the last stand of The Spatans in 480 BC against the hordes of the Persian emperror Xerxes. King Leonidas who leads the 300 Spartans who lay down their lives is foolish, egoistic, inhuman and sometimes illogical in his patriotism. But you cannot help admire his courage and bravery.

The dialogue "This is Sparta!" with which he pushes the emissaries of Xerxes into the Well to their death is classic histrionics.
The redeeming feature to this otherwise plotless documentary type movie is the cinematography. The hazy sepia-tinted background enhances the viewing experence. Similarly, the fight scenes where the Red Cloaks and white bodies of the Spartan warriors are contrasted with the Masks and Blackl cloaks of the immortals are great.

The graphics and editing are obvious and Xerxes millions aren't so impressive. Especialy for an audience that has already seen Lord of the Rings Part II.

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